Provided byIFTAPlus

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  • image of IFTAPlus
  • image of IFTAPlus

For over a decade IFTAPlus has been helping trucking companies, large and small, quickly and efficiently manage and prepare their IFTA taxes. 


IFTAPlus is a web-based solution utilized by thousands of companies to manage and prepare their quarterly IFTA returns. IFTAPlus prepares the majority of the IFTA returns in the actual state forms or in other cases it prepares a generic return. Your company’s KYWD, NMWD and NYHUT are also prepared at the same time. 

Features And Benefits

  • Used by thousands of companies every quarter
  • Extremely easy and straight forward to use
  • Integration with Geotab so all miles, by state directly go into IFTAPlus
  • Super fast and easy to prepare your state IFTA taxes
  • Prepares in most state forms
  • Also includes the NYHUT, NMWD and KYWD

Device Plan Requirements

GO, Pro, ProPlus, Regulatory, Third-Party Device Plan

Company Website




United States

Supported Languages



Provided byIFTAPlus

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