C6 Insights

Provided byDarby Technologies Inc.

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C6 Insights is an industry-first sustainability platform designed specifically to help fleets reduce fuel spend and emissions, simplify carbon reporting needs, and plan decarbonization strategies. Our comprehensive analytics and unique six-step process enable companies to identify effective sustainability solutions, delivering meaningful emission reductions and a positive ROI. Automated marketing tools complete the process, sharing this message with customers to drive business growth and brand reputation.


* Supporting fleets of any size

* Carbon measurement & reporting

* Vehicle replacement simulator

* Fuel switching analysis

* International Organization for Standardization (ISO), System and Organization Control Type 2 (SOC2) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant


Integrated with Geotab: Our solution brings in vehicle and trip data from the MyGeotab platform, requiring no change to your existing work. We combine these data with industry standards, benchmarks and data science to turn your real-world data into accurate carbon reporting and actionable sustainability insights to improve efficiency and drive smarter decisions. 


Start reducing your carbon footprint today!



United States

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C6 Insights

Provided byDarby Technologies Inc.

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