Toll Genius

Provided byFleetworthy

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Follow the steps below to install the Add-In. This workflow requires a .json file to structure the data and complete the installation. Follow the steps below to install the Add-In. 

<We recommend you paste your .json file into .Json File for New Service Account for quick access>  

  1. Log in to MyGeotab and navigate to (1) Administration > (2) System > (3) System Settings, and select the (4) Add-Ins tab. Click the (5) New Add-In button. 
  2. Paste the .json code into the Add-In Configuration window, replacing the sample code that is already there. Click OK. 
  3. In the System Settings page, toggle Allow unsigned Add-Ins to On and click Save at the top of the page. The Add-In is now installed! 

Toll Genius

Provided byFleetworthy

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